Capital Campaign Projects: 2023-2028
Capital Campaign: Beginning in the summer of 2023, the leadership of Epler's Church and Pastor Gary decided that it was time to get some improvement projects completed at the church. Some are NEEDED and some are just WANTED to make things better, safer, and in some cases just generally cleaned up. Click here for the proposal voted upon at the December 2023 Congregational Meeting.
Capital Campaign Fundraising Updates
Thank you to all who have continued to make donations. We are well on our way reaching our goal in the next five years!
In addition to these donations, we have also received $20,000 of unpledged contributions that are not included in this thermometer total.
Current funds collected as of October 31, 2024.
February 2024 Update: The process has begun to run the ductwork (the hole in the ceiling) for the Heating & A/C system on the upper floor of the Sunday school building. Also pictured, the hole is being dug to prepare for the parking lot light to be installed. (Parking Lot light not part of our official capital campaign)
Capital Campaign Project 1: A/C and Heat Pump for Basement and Sunday school building approximate cost: $48,509.
Details: There will be three "wall units" in the basement which will operate independently of one another. There will also be a new system for the first floor which will all be tied together. All systems will give the Sunday School building an extra (non-fossil fuel) supporting heat system and air conditioning.
The painting of the fellowship hall; Sunday school hallway; and sanctuary corner has been underway since the beginning of September. This is another capital campaign project that has been needed for a number of years.